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Gothic,Punk,Which Do You Like?

The difference between Gothic and punk culture

Retail Fashion has been an evolving system in the modern consumer market, with clothes gaining new design interests as we progress through the years. Amongst all these dynamics of the fashion industry, there have been many sects of fashion that have been of quite an interest and fascination in the world. In this article, we would pick out two items from the fashion catalog called Goth and Punk which have gained quite a lot of traction in the market. What is it that appeals to the crowd for these fashion senses and attracts so many folks of various cohorts of ages? While these cultures have been thoroughly adopted by various age groups in the world, there are quite a lot of history and nuances to these senses that appeal to these youngsters to follow the cultures religiously. Like rockabilly dress, goth clothing, and punk clothes. From the sense of belongingness to the ability to express their minds along with the fashion elements, a lot has been offered by these fashion pieces to attract the crowd.


Goth is a subculture that originated in the UK in the early part of 1980. This branched out from a section of a music genre called post-punk and was developed by the fans of gothic rock. This particular culture has been sustaining the longest out of all other cultures and has continued to diversify and spread. Out of a wide spectrum of genres in music, goths typically prefer music belonging to gothic rock, deathrock, cold wave as well as dark wave genres. Punk culture on the other hand has been primarily made up of the belief system of non-conformity, anti-authoritarianism, anti-corporatism, anti-corporate greed, and many others. The original idea of punk was to express people's voices and demands through music. Later, it spread from the field of music to the fields of clothing and thought, and rivets and motorcycle boots appeared on clothing; Ideological pursuit of personality liberation and freedom of speech, etc. Later, cyberpunk and steampunk appeared, but no matter how they developed, punk's yearning for utopian life remained unchanged. This culture portrays the idea of individual freedom and is centered around a loud and aggressive genre of rock music which is called punk rock. These cultures are some of the most trends now and have been capturing the market for a long time, especially the teenagers who want to consume these cultures to their core very religiously.

Dressing style

Having given a brief understanding of what these cultures are and how can one identify the same, there are certain other aspects when it comes to Goths and Punks; the way they dress, how they present themselves to society as well as their interests. Goth’s imagery and culture are indicative of the adoption of ideas from 19th-century literature of the same name as well as horror movies. Styles of dress within the culture draw on punk, new wave as well as Romantic fashion. It also draws from the fashion of earlier periods including but not limited to Victorian, Edwardian as well as Belle Epoque artists. These styles most commonly include dark attire as well as makeup with black hair on a wider scale within the group. Goth films tend to portray eerie, angsty along with horror-filled imagery which is adorned by black and dark hues. Some of the movies that perfectly portray the culture are Mary Shelley, Beetlejuice, Adams Family as well as Gypsy 83. If you want to get a detailed glimpse of how this fashion looks, do go ahead and grab your popcorn and binge on some of these iconic movies to understand the same. Coming to the fashion details of Punk, there has been lots of transitions when it comes to their clothing styles. From ripped clothing held by safety pins to wearing razor blades and embellished jewelry and then adorning rubber, leather, and PVC clothing, a lot has been transitioning for the punk culture and their fashion sense. The modern days see a typical punk with colored mohawk hairstyles, some degree of make-up which are typically dark, heavy jackets with spikes coming out of the shoulder area along with tattered jeans. One of the fashions more common in San Fransisco was that of these punks' hardcore sense consisting of biker-type leather jackets, chains, studded wristbands along with pierced noses, painted and tattoo elements on their body parts with a mohawk or shaved heads.


Expression of emotion

Over the years, an amalgamation of these two cultures was profound in the society, to which some called themselves the goth punks. While on the contrary, punks feel exalted to disassociate themselves from the goths in any way. They term these goths as self-obsessed who fantasize about flouting the punk’s way of conveying class consciousness. Goths are presumed to be neo-hippies with just darker clothes, but still with the mentality of the middle class and privileges along with political apathy. While the details in these traditions may vary from each other, the underlying idea behind the groups is the same: People from various caste, religions, or sex come together into a community who share the same ideas within the group. One of the major pointers about these fashion cultures is that goth is a derivation of the culture punk along with members from all these traditions and their affinity towards the color black or anything of the dark theme. With a mix of these two fashion lines, a dark theme leather swerve arrives at the amalgamation of the two. A typical amalgamation would look like a person with heavy jackets, dark makeup, and the mindset being a mixture of both punk and goth - aggressive and introspective with deep provocative thoughts within them. As we progress over the years, the fine line between goths and punk seems to have vanished quite a lot, giving no stark differences in how they behave and perceive society. This is quite fascinating to see and interpret, being a fashion connoisseur, along with the intricacies in this wardrobe and their societal norms. Many cultures have started to evolve into something more different than their ancestors, with the original ideas being evolved to something new, with the rising trend variations and human advancements with respect to technology and many other factors. History though has a lot to offer in terms of how these artistic effects have originated along with the underlying ideas behind their invention. The question ultimately boils down to “What do you like and why?”.